Historical Notes on
Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust des Musseaux
Seignior of Argenteuil


Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust des Musseaux, was born in June 1621 in Ancy-le-Franc,
Bourgogne in the actual Department of Yonne, France.

His father was Nicolas d’Ailleboust, Sieur of Collonge-la-Madeleine.

He worked for Roger de Clermont, Seignior of Cruzy
and lieutenant general of the army of Bourgogne.

His mother was Dorothée de Monteth.

Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust des Musseaux was the nephew
of Louis d'Ailleboust, who had been the third Governor of New France.

He had also been a bodygard for the King of France.

In 1648, he emigrated to New France with his uncle to conduct the soldiers
of the first mobile batallion called the “patrouille volante” (flying patrol).

In 1651, he was elected acting governor of Ville-Marie (the future Montreal).

In 1652, Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust des Musseaux
married Catherine Legardeur of Repentigny in Quebec city.
He was ennobled by the King of France.

In 1657, he was Seignior of Bourdon Island.

In 1659, he settled in Ville-Marie. He was a Seigniorial
justice Officer in Ville-Marie from 1663 to 1677.

To reward him for his numerous services to the country, the King
of France  granted him a vast territory in 1680. It was situated in
the Long-Sault area. It was called the Seigniory of Argenteuil.

In 1697, his son Pierre d'Ailleboust bought the seigniory but
its development was forbidden until 1721,
because of the threats from the Indian tribes.

Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust des Musseaux
died in Montreal on November 20th, 1700.

Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust des Musseaux had fourteen children :

- Louis, Seignior of Coulonge,

- Pierre, Seignior of Argenteuil,
who was also seignior of Saint Vilmé and Cuisy,

- Paul, Seignior of Perrigny,

- Nicolas, Seignior of Manteth,

- Jean-Baptiste, Seignior of Musseaux,

- Isabelle, Madeleine, Marie-Marguerite
and Louise-Angelique became nuns,

- Barbe the eldest stayed single,

- Catherine married Nicolas Daneau,

All the other children died in infancy.

Note written by par Alain Chebroux.
 Based on a text by Sylvie Biton, historian at Ancy le Franc, France.

Charles-Joseph d'Ailleboust des Musseaux’ household,
from page 108 of the Ville-Marie census in 1666

Charles d'Ailleboust



Sieur des Musseaux


Demoiselle Catherine Legardeur



His wife


Barbe d'Ailleboust





Louis d'Ailleboust





Pierre d'Ailleboust





Paul d'Ailleboust





Nicolas d'Ailleboust





Jean Hébert





Jena Sénécal







Translated by Renée Gauthier

Or read biographical notice :

AILLEBOUST DES MUCEAUX, CHARLES JOSEPH D', soldier, acting governor of Montreal, civil and criminal judge of Montreal, business man, member of the Communauté des Habitants as well as of the Société Notre-Dame de Montréal; b. between 1623 and 1626 in France, son of Nicolas d’Ailleboust de La Madeleine et de Coulonges and Dorothée de Manthet; buried 20 Nov. 1700 at Montreal.

D’Ailleboust des Muceaux came to Canada with his uncle Louis d’Ailleboust, the recently appointed governor of New France. He arrived at Quebec on board the Cardinal 20 Aug. 1648, and immediately set out for Montreal, where he took command of a flying column, a troop of 40 men who were kept in constant readiness to repel the Iroquois. A year later he went back to France, probably to seek reinforcements, for he was listed among those who landed 8 Sept. 1650 at Quebec, and a few months later the strength of his column stood at 70 soldiers. Chomedey de Maisonneuve, before sailing for France in 1651, entrusted to him the governorship of Montreal.

On 16 Sept. 1652 at Quebec, where he took up residence, he married Catherine, daughter of Pierre Legardeur de Repentigny; she was to give him 14 children. Then, having sold his properties at Quebec to Jean Madry on 8 Aug. 1659, he went back to Montreal to live; since 1661 he had owned two sites there, in Notre-Dame street, and his residence was the most important one in the town.

In 1663 he was the lieutenant of the Montreal garrison; he was already dispensing seigneurial justice there, a function which he seems to have exercised from his arrival in 1659, but to which he was not officially appointed until 27 Sept. 1666, when Talon settled in favour of the Sulpicians, who were the seigneurs of Montreal, and of their candidate Charles-Joseph d’Ailleboust, a conflict of jurisdiction between the royal seneschal’s court (created in 1663 by Governor de Saffray de Mézy, with Louis-Arthus de Sailly as the judge), and the seigneurial court set up by the members of Saint-Sulpice. Des Muceaux remained the civil and criminal judge of Montreal until 26 Aug. 1677, at which date he was replaced by Migeon de Branssat.

In 1666 M. d’Ailleboust set off with Prouville de Tracy’s expedition against the Mohawks, but he was obliged to return to Montreal when he was bitten by a bear. From 1670 on he turned more and more towards business, but with indifferent success. In 1668 he had come to an understanding with his aunt, Mme Louis d’Ailleboust [see Boullongne], in respect of the deceased governor’s estate, and in 1673 he sold to the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec his share of the Saint-Vilmé, d’Argentenay, and Coulonges lands. With his capital thus increased, he entered into partnership with the merchant François Lenoir*, dit Rolland (18 March 1675). But in 1681 he was so poor that Governor Buade de Frontenac had to obtain for him a pension of 150 livres from the king.

Since Governor Louis d’Ailleboust died childless, Charles-Joseph is the ancestor of all the d’Aillebousts in Canada.

Courtesy : Dictionnary of Canadian Biography
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© Alain Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil : www.count-argenteuil.com
© Count Alain Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County : www.argenteuil.name