The collection of Count of Argenteuil

The current holder of the title of Count of Argenteuil
has a modest collection of objects of Argenteuil and its region

In here is some parts exposed below

The reserved museographic themes evoke
the County of Argenteuil and its region in various periods.
They also include several features of the people of the region.

1735 - Landing a ship in Quebec

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Original engraving and detachable attachment to a book entitled
"New and curious travel among the savages of northern America ",
by Sr. C. Beau, a lawyer Parliament, published in Amsterdam.

Note: The two figures on the right are probably Jesuits.

1777 - original engraving property of the Baron Amherst of Montreal


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Jeffery Amherst was born in Sevenoaks, Kent. It was page to the Duke of Dorset.
In 1731, he enlisted in the army and in 1741 became aide-de-camp to General John Ligonier .
He participated in the Battle of Fontenoy in 1745.

Appointed Commander-in-Chief in North America ,
Amherst is planning to attack three armies against Montreal :
James Murray up the St. Lawrence from Quebec
William Haviland from Lake Champlain
and Amherst himself forward from Lake Ontario.
In early September 1760, the junction of the three armed
works perfectly and led to the surrender of the French on September 8.
The Battle of Signal Hill and the surrender of Fort St. John
put an end to the French adventure in North America.

He was the first governor under the military occupation of New France from 1760 to 1763.
Amherst was also governor of Virginia from 1759 to 1768.
It was titled, in 1776, Baron Amherst of Holmesdale .
He was governor of Guernsey from 1770 to 1794. He retired with the title of marshal.

In 1788, another barony was conferred with the title of "Baron Amherst of Montreal".
The above engraving represents his family domain in Sevenoaks, Kent.

Engraving of William Watts - Famous English sculptor and engraver (1752-1851)

Another copy of this engraving is preserved in the Archives of Canada.

1789 - original engraving of Lord Hawkesbury property (near Croydon)

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Charles Jenkinson (1727 - 1808), 1st Earl of Liverpool
known as Lord Hawkesbury
between 1786 and 1796, was a British statesman.

The City of Hawkesbury in Ontario, Canada and the Hawkesbury River in Australia
have been named so when this character was created Baron Hawkesbury.

1793 - Map of Seigniory of Argenteuil

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By James Peachy, charged between 1773 and 1795,
topographic surveys to Samuel Holland, chief engineer surveyor
land of Quebec and northern America.
In 1788. He became a lieutenant in the First Battalion
of the 60th Infantry Regiment.

Approximately 1810 - Map of Seigniory of Argenteuil

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1840 - An engraving of Lachute

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The view shows the manorial mills and sawmills
located on the east side of the river at the location of falls

1850 - Drawing of a view of Carillon

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1854 - A view of the canal at Carillon

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1860 - A drawing of the first school of Grenville

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1860 - Engraving of the Ottawa in the Jump of Carillon

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1860 - Young local woman

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Tintype of a young woman from Quebec with rings, a chain and a headband
The cheeks are tinted and jewelry are colored red gold.

1860 - Three local boys

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A tintype of three boys. The cheeks are tinted.

Approximately 1860 - Two women in hat of the region

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This is a tintype.

Approximately 1860 - A local couple

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This is a tintype. The cheeks are tinted.

1868 - Beautiful original engraving
of the funeral of Thomas D'Arcy McGee in Montreal

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Thomas D'Arcy McGee, (April 13, 1825 - APRIL 7 1868) was a Canadian journalist
and one of the Fathers of Confederation.

Born in Carlingford in Ireland April 13, 1825,
he emigrated to the United States in 1843 at the age of seventeen.
In 1857 he moved to Canada where he created a magazine in Montreal.

Politically active, he reaffirmed his anti-British sentiments
in its demand for Canadian independence from the United Kingdom.
In 1858 he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Canada
where he worked for the creation of an independent Canada.
Thomas D'Arcy McGee was elected to the first Canadian Parliament in 1867.
He represented the riding of Montreal West.

April 7, 1868, Thomas D'Arcy McGee was murdered in Ottawa at the age of 42 years.
It appears as one of the rare cases of political killings in Canadian history.

1860/1870 - A local couple

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1870 - Local families


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1880 - Three women of the region

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1880 - The first presbytery and the first chapel of Grenville

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1890 - The railway bridge in Lachute

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See both artillery in the park.

1891 - original portrait of John Joseph Caldwell Abbott

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John Joseph Caldwell Abbott, was born in 1821 and died 1893.
Born in Saint André d'Argenteuil, he led a successful career as a lawyer and became
quickly a pillar of the English Montreal business community.

In 1847, JJC Abbott and his brother Harry Braithwaite bought
shares of the Company Railroad Carillon and Grenville.

JJC Abbott was mayor of Montreal from 1887 to 1888.

He also sat in the House of Commons of Canada
and was appointed to the Canadian Senate in 1887.

He was the third Prime Minister of Canada from June 16th, 1891 till November 24th, 1892
and the first Canadian of origin to have occupied Prime Minister's post.

Photo 1891 - The house of John Joseph Caldwell Abbott in Montreal

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This house was estimated at U.S. $ 65,000 in 1898

1891 - Engraving of the property rented by John Joseph Caldwell Abbott, to Earnscliffe

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Original of a beautiful private portrait of John Joseph Caldwell Abbott, 1892

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The third Prime Minister of Canada, born in Saint André d'Argenteuil.

1895 - Beautiful and rare opuscule on Adam Dollard des Ormeaux


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The Dupleix committee was a society of encouragement in the colonization,
the purpose of which is to draw the attention on colonies
and to make them better known.

1895 - The North river in Lachute

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1895 - The railway bridge in Grenville / Hawkesbury

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Completed in 1895, this bridge railway between Grenville and Hawkesbury
was built in order to connect the railway companies
Great Northen Railway of Canada and Canada Atlantic Railway.

Approximately 1895 - The church of Huberdeau

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1896 - Station of Hawkesbury

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1896 - Roman Catholic church in Hawkesbury

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1897 - Celebrities of time

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Approximately 1900 - Local couple

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Approximately 1900 - Lake St. Joseph in St. Adolphe d'Howard

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1900 - Boat on a river of the region

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It is probably about the Saint Laurent, by moonlight.

Approximately 1900 - The Grenville Channel

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Approximately 1900 - typical Scene of camping at the edge of a lake of the region.

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1900 - The Convent of Providence in Saint André d'Argenteuil

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1902 - A carriage of the region


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The same photo colorized at two different times.

1903 - The village and the fall of Huberdeau


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To note: the group of adults and children at the edge of the fall.

1900/1907 - The North river in Lachute

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1905 - Church in Lachute

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1905 - The convent of the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Lachute

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1905 - Meikle store in Main street of Lachute

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The Meikle store was opened in 1827.
To the left, the family home.

It is the store of John Meikle, a native of Glasgow, Scotland
which was one of the first traders of Lachute
and Robert Meikle, one of the first aldermen of the City,
who was also delegated from Argenteuil to the parliament of Quebec.

Approximately 1905 - The Grenville Channel

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To 1905/1910 - Main Street Hawkesbury

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Approximately 1910 - The Grenville Channel

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Approximately 1910 - Waterfalls of Calumet

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1910 - Landscape of Lake sixteen islands - Pays d'en haut

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1911 - The Orphanage in Huberdeau

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1913 - Carillon and Grenville train

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Approximately 1915 - A view of Grenville Channel

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The same photo colorized, some years later.

1915/1920 - Three schools of Hawkesbury


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Approximately 1920 - Aerial view of Lachute

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Approximately 1920 - View Huberdeau and his orphanage

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Approximately 1925/1930 - Landscape of Lake Hughes

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1930 - Sugar shack, in summer

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1930 about - Joly's Farm in Lachute


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Approximately 1930 - The railway bridge in Grenville / Hawkesbury

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Completed in 1895, this bridge railway between Grenville and Hawkesbury
was built in order to connect the railway companies
Great Northen Railway of Canada and Canada Atlantic Railway.

1931 - Interprovincial Bridge between Grenville (Quebec) and Hawkesbury (Ontario)

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The Perley bridge was built in 1931 to connect Hawkesbury, Ontario Grenville Quebec.
A new bridge was built in 1996.
it was completed in 2000 and replaced the old bridge was destroyed.

1933 - Bridges connecting Grenville (Quebec) and Hawkesbury (Ontario)

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Aerial view of both bridges, of which the Perley bridge.

Approximately 1935 - View of the Red River from the bridge of Huberdeau

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1935 - View of Lake Ouimet in Saint Jovite

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1935 - Hutton's store Lakeview - Harrington

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Another copy of this photo is preserved
In the Library and national archives of Quebec.

Approximately 1935/1940 - Main street of Lachute

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Approximately 1935/1940 - Landscape Lachute

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Approximately 1935/1940 - Station of Lachute

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Approximately 1935/1940 - Interprovincial Bridge between Grenville (Quebec) and Hawkesbury (Ontario)

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1940 - Interprovincial Bridge between Grenville (Quebec) and Hawkesbury (Ontario)

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1940 - A view of Grenville Channel

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1940 - A view of Grenville Channel

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Approximately 1940 - Main street of Lachute

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1940 - The lake Saint Joseph to Saint Adolphe d'Howard

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1940 - Summer Camp Chapleau - Wentworth North

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Approximately 1945 - The memorial soldiers Lachute and park

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Approximately 1945-1950 - The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in Lachute

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1950 - View of Lake Macdonald

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Approximately 1950 - Main street of Lachute

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Approximately 1955 - Aerial view of Ayersville, Lachute and North River

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1960 - Commemorative Envelope Adam Dollard des Ormeaux
and the Battle of Long Sault

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1960 - Commemorative Envelope Adam Dollard des Ormeaux
and the defence of Fort Ste Marie

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Approximately1960 - Landscape Carillon Islands in Saint André d'Argenteuil

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Approximately 1960 - Saint André d'Argenteuil

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"The Old Barracks".
The Historical Society of the County of Argenteuil
become the Argenteuil Regional Museum.

Approximately 1960 - Main street of Lachute

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1967 - The main street of the commercial area of Hawkesbury (Ontario)

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Approximately 1975 - Saint André d'Argenteuil

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"The Old Barracks".
The Historical Society of the County of Argenteuil
become the Argenteuil Regional Museum.

Recently - Landscape Huberdeau

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Recent period (1984) - Carillon Dam

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1988 - The book "Carillon au fil de l'eau" (87 pages)

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Published for the centenary from the village of Carillon.

Recently - The ferry Carillon Islands

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© All these objects are owned by the current holder
of the title of Count of Argenteuil in Quebec.
Using photos and reproduction prohibited
without permission of the owner of these objects.

© Tous droits réservés au Comte d'Argenteuil - All rights reserved to the Count of Argenteuil

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