Numerous documents
about the Seigniory of Argenteuil

By Madame Renée Gauthier, residing in the province of Quebec.




Thank you for your interest in my work.

I started very humbly by making my family tree in 1985. My maternal line is very strange because it
made me discover Black, Irish and French ancestors.  Having Black ancestors is very uncommon in
the province of Quebec, especially when they have mixed with Whites over several generations
to the point that you no longer see the features of that race. With the few facts that were
transmitted to me by oral tradition, I managed to go back in time as far as five generations
before getting blocked. Then I decided to go down along each branches of the tree to find as
many descendants as possible.

            During this process I found many cousins in western Ontario, western Canada and United States.
I also found piles of legal documents and church registers. While compiling all those papers
I discovered my ancestors' daily life so I decided to write a book about them. In this book I tell
their story from one generation to the other in an easy-to-understand manner to make it
accessible to all. Three years of redaction have lead me to "Ces Robinson dit Robertson"
that I published on account of author.
Then to evolve with the technology,
I created my website at

            To better situate my ancestors in their historical and regional context, I decided to study
the Seigniory of Argenteuil more closely. Believe me it's special. I found many documents on
its successive seigniors: Joseph Charles D'ailleboust de Musseaux, Pierre D'ailleboust D'Argenteuil,
his widow Louise Denis, their children, Pierre-Louis Panet, Patrick and James Murray,
Sir John Johnson, Charles Christopher Johnson and his heirs.

           My collection includes the grant of the seigniory, church registers, court procedures,
inheritance, sales, lawsuits, sentences, seizures of the seigniory by the Montreal Sheriff,
newspaper clips concerning the auction, power of attorney, oppositions to a sale, etc.
It took me a whole year of hard work to make all these photocopies, transcriptions and file
all these documents. Unfortunately some papers are still missing but the ones
I found contain a gold mine of information.

This is why I'm collaborating with Mister Alain Chebroux, who inherited the title of Seignior
of Argenteuil. Our goal is to make people aware of this beautiful region from a historical point
of view; from its concession during the French regime until his dissolution in 1854
and its sale to the Crédit foncier at the beginning of the 1900's.

Hoping you will have as much pleasure consulting all those documents that
I had to research, photocopy, transcript them and collaborate with Mister Chebroux


                                                                                                                                      Renée Gauthier


To consult the documents : DOC

© Alain Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil :
© Count Alain Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County :