The transcription of 21documents concerning
the Seigniory of Argenteuil from 1680 to 1793

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*** Two successive titles of the Seigniory of Argenteuil (1680 and 1682) :

a - Promise by the Intendant Jacques Duchesneau to grant the fief and seigniory of Argenteuil
to the Sieur D’ailleboust Demuceaux on June 6, 1680.

b - Promise by the Governor General and Intendant of New France, the Count of Frontenac,
to grant the fief and seigniory d'Argenteuil to the Sieur D’ailleboust Demuceau on June 15, 1682.

*** Marriage contract between Pierre d'Ailleboust
and Marie Louise Denis (1687) - Transcription.

*** Marriage contract between Pierre d'Ailleboust
and Marie Louise Denis (1687) - Original document.

*** Pierre d'Ailleboust and Marie Louise Denis' marriage register (1687).

*** Sale of the fief and seigniory to Pierre d'Ailleboust (1697).

*** Judicial separation between Pierre d'Ailleboust and Marie Louise Denis (1703).

*** Court sentence in favor of Marie Louise Denis (1710).

*** Pierre d'Ailleboust's burial register (1711) - Transcription.

*** Pierre d'Ailleboust's burial register (1711) - Original document.

*** Dower recovery (1711) - Transcription.

*** Dower recovery (1711) - Original document.

*** Tutorship for the minor children of Pierre D’Ailleboust
D’Argenteuil and Louise Denys (1711)

*** Petition for an annual allowance and request for a title
confirmation by Madame D'argenteuil (1720).

*** Letters from Misters de Vaudreuil and Begon, concerning the development
of the seigniory by Madame D'argenteuil to the King (1720).

*** Correspondance from the Conseil de la Marine
concerning Madame D'argenteuil (1721).

*** Act of Foy and Hommage
of the Seignoress Marie Louise Denis (1725).

*** Judicial procedures between Madame D'Argenteuil and the
Clergyman of the Montreal Seminary (from 1721 to 1726).

*** Marie Louise Denis' burial register (1747).

*** Succession of the seignioress Marie Louise Denis (1749).

*** Conventions and power of attorneys for the sale
of the seigniory to Pierre Louis Panet  (1780).

*** Sale of the fief and seigniory to Pierre Louis Panet (1781).

*** Act of Foy and Hommage of the Seignior Pierre Louis Panet (1781).

*** Sale of a land to Pierre Louis Panet (1787).

*** Sale of the fief and seigniory to the Major Patrick Murray (1793).


© Alain Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil :
© Count Alain Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County :