The transcription of 21documents concerning
the Seigniory of Argenteuil from 1680 to 1793
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*** Two successive titles of the Seigniory of Argenteuil (1680 and 1682) :
- Promise
by the Intendant Jacques Duchesneau to grant the fief and seigniory of
to the Sieur D’ailleboust Demuceaux on June 6, 1680.
- Promise by the Governor General and Intendant of New France, the Count
of Frontenac,
to grant the fief and seigniory d'Argenteuil to the Sieur D’ailleboust
Demuceau on June 15, 1682.
Marriage contract between Pierre d'Ailleboust
and Marie Louise Denis
(1687) - Transcription.
Marriage contract between Pierre d'Ailleboust
and Marie Louise Denis
(1687) - Original document.
*** Pierre d'Ailleboust and Marie Louise Denis' marriage register (1687).
*** Sale of the fief and seigniory to Pierre d'Ailleboust (1697).
*** Judicial separation between Pierre d'Ailleboust and Marie Louise Denis (1703).
*** Court sentence in favor of Marie Louise Denis (1710).
*** Pierre d'Ailleboust's burial register (1711) - Transcription.
*** Pierre d'Ailleboust's burial register (1711) - Original document.
*** Dower recovery (1711) - Transcription.
*** Dower recovery (1711) - Original document.
Tutorship for the minor children of Pierre D’Ailleboust
D’Argenteuil and Louise Denys (1711)
Correspondance from the Conseil de la Marine
concerning Madame D'argenteuil (1721).
Act of Foy and Hommage
of the Seignoress Marie Louise Denis (1725).
*** Marie Louise Denis' burial register (1747).
*** Succession of the seignioress Marie Louise Denis (1749).
Conventions and power of attorneys for the sale
of the seigniory to Pierre Louis Panet (1780).
*** Sale of the fief and seigniory to Pierre Louis Panet (1781).
*** Act of Foy and Hommage of the Seignior Pierre Louis Panet (1781).
*** Sale of a land to Pierre Louis Panet (1787).
*** Sale of the fief and seigniory to the Major Patrick Murray (1793).
© Alain
Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil :
© Count Alain
Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County :