27 ancient books in French
on Quebec and Canada

1 - Short story of Navigation (in 1545)

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2 - Talk about the journey by Jacques cartier (in 1598)

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3 - Savages by Champlain (in 1603)

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4 - The defeat of the savages (in 1607)

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5 - The conversion of the savages (in 1610)

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6 - History of New France, by Marc Lescarbot (in 1617)

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7 - The journeys of New western France by Champlain (in 1632)

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8 - The great journey of the Country of the Hurons (in 1632)

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9 - The real motives (in 1643)

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10 - The mission of the Jesuit Fathers in New France (in 1654)

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11 - Real and natural history of New France (in 1664)

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12 - History of the New France - Three volumes (in 1764)

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13 - The French Traveler - Volume 9 - Canada (in 1769)

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14 - Orders and Judgments - Supreme Council of Quebec (1806)

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15 - History of Canada (in 1843)

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16 - History of Canada (in 1852)

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17 - Historic dictionary (in 1857)

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18 - France in Colonies (in 1859)

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19 - Studies of the colonization of Lower Canada (in 1863)

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20 - Journal of the siege of Quebec (in 1866)

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21 - The little illustrated history of Canada (in 1875)

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22 - Letters of voyage (in 1876)

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23 - Scenes of the Canadian life in the XVIIth century (in 1883)

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24 - The French in Canada and Acadia (1888)

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25 - Campaign Journal (in 1889)

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26 - Correspondence of Misters DUQUESNE and VAUDREUIL (in 1890)

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the version digitized by e-mail : Click here to make your request

27 - The New France - Two volumes (in 1896)

If this book interests you, the Count Alain will send you the link of
the version digitized by e-mail : Click here to make your request


© Alain Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil : www.count-argenteuil.com
© Count Alain Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County : www.argenteuil.name