Eight books
about County of Argenteuil

A - Old books

1 - The patriotic work of the agricultural orphanages (in 1892)

If this book interests you, the Count Alain will send you the link of
the version digitized by e-mail : Click here to make your request

2 - History of the Counties of Argenteuil, Quebec, and Prescott, Ontario,
by Cyrus Thomas (in 1896)

If this book interests you, the Count Alain will send you the link of
the version digitized by e-mail : Click here to make your request

3 - Memories of Old St. Andrews and Historical Sketches of the Seigniory of Argenteuil,
by Benjamin Nathaniel Wales (in 1934)

This book will soon be available in digitized form.

4 - Soils of Argenteuil,
Two Mountains and Terrebonne counties (1960)

This book will soon be available in digitized form.

5 - A History of Lachute: From Its Earliest Time To January 1, 1964.
by George Reginald
Rigby (in 1964)

Texts and pictures of this book on the website of the Morisson Clan

This book will soon be available in digitized form.

6 - Carillon "au fil de l'eau",
published for the centenary of the village of Carillon (in 1988)

This book will soon be available in digitized form.

B- Recent books

A book on Louis d'Ailleboust and his contemporary

The life of a settler in the Seigniory of Argenteuil


© Alain Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil : www.count-argenteuil.com
© Count Alain Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County : www.argenteuil.name