Other documents about Argenteuil

Look at the video " Live in Argenteuil "
(By courtesy of the CLD of Argenteuil)

A satellite photo of the region of Argenteuil

The village of St Andrews - Map 1 (1897)

The village of St Andrews - Map 2 (1897)

The brochure of the Regional Museum of Argenteuil

The West Laurentians heritage trail brochure

"A la découverte de la Seigneurie d'Argenteuil", article of newspaper (L'Argenteuil)

The Cultural Policy of Argenteuil's MRC

The geological map, in a very large format, of the County of Argenteuil

The street of Sieur d'Argenteuil in Quebec


© Alain Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil : www.count-argenteuil.com
© Count Alain Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County : www.argenteuil.name