The County of Argenteuil

in Quebec

The County of Argenteuil



The County of Argenteuil is located at 80 km
of Montreal and 130 km from Ottawa. It’s situated
on the south-west side of the Laurentians.

Map : MRC d'Argenteuil

The feodal Seigniory was transformed into the County of Argenteuil


The original Seigniory of Argenteuil


After the

 Treaty of Paris

in 1763, Great Britain appointed
rich and noble men as "Counts" or "Barons" as did the French
seigniorial regime. Its goal was to incitate these people
to come to Quebec and invest their money
to develop the economy more rapidly.

Montreal in 1760 - Picture in big size, PDF


However many Counts after having received their title
in Great Britain never came to their Fief in Canada.

Several Counties remained without ever having seen their Count.


Other people received a title and a territory. They came and settled
for a few months and finally moved back to England.

They told their friends they didn’t like
 "to live in a country of savages and illiterates" …

Algonquins, by Samuel de Champlain


A description of Canada, in 1799


In fact the two systems, French seigniorial and English
cantonal, cohabitated for many years
entertaining frustration and conflicts.


In 1791, Lower Canada was divided into Counties bearing British names.
The County of Effingham corresponds to what is now called the County of Terrebonne.

The County of York included all territories West of Effingham :
the future Counties of Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Two Mountains, Argenteuil,
Labelle, Outaouais, Pontiac, up to Temiscamingue.

In 1828, the limits of the Counties were modified
and the new Counties received French names.

That’s when the Counties of Terrebonne and Two Mountains were erected.
The latest was part of the old County of York.


In 1854 the French seigniorial system was officialy abolished
and replaced with the cantonal system like in England.

In 1855 the province of Quebec was divided in new Counties
just like the rest of Canada. The name Argenteuil
was given to the County that englobed the former Seigniory.

For this occasion maps of the Counties
and former Seigniories were drawn. They validated their
territorial limits, which were in certain cases very old.


A view of the territory of the County of Argenteuil as repertoried by the
British Crown in 1861 on the cantonal map of the province of Quebec.

This territory included the seigniories or townships of Grenville, Chatham, Harrington,
Arundel, Howard, Wentworth, Argenteuil and parts of Gore, Grandison and Mille-îles.


Official report of the 1861 census for the County of Argenteuil
Document provided by Renée Gauthier

Official 1891 religions census for the County of Argenteuil


An Iroquois home designed in 1892


A dance of medicine and an Iroquois, in 1892


At the beginning of the XXth century,
the County of Argenteuil’s territory was modified again by
the Government of Quebec. It became an electoral district.

This County included the Seigniories or townships of Grenville, Chatham, Harrington,
Arundel, Montcalm, Howard, Wentworth, Gore, Mille-îles and Argenteuil.


The village of Carillon, before 1900

Landscape in the territory in the 1920s


The County of Argenteuil, in 1927


The map of the Counties surrounding Argenteuil in 1957.


The electoral district of the new County in 2005

The Argenteuil MRC

The MRC (Municipalités Régionales de Comté)
were created by the Quebec government in 1979.

They replaced the old County corporations.


Otherwise the Seigniories were replaced by townships.


Scenery of Argenteuil (Photo courtesy of the Office of cinema and television of Argenteuil-Laurentides)

Actual MRC of Argenteuil. The County with 450 lakes and 3 rivers. 

Map : Argenteuil MRC

Since 1957 the MRC was amputated from
a large part of its territory on the northern side.

The County of Argenteuil included twenty-one municipalities.
Nowadays there are only thirteen of them in the new MRC.

Furthermore, the actual MRC represents only
one third of the original superficy it had in 1855.


Detailed map, in PDF format
Map : Argenteuil MRC

Road map of the area, in PDF format

Another very detailled road map of the area, in PDF format

View of Argenteuil (Photo courtesy of the Office of cinema and television for Argenteuil-Laurentides)

The MRC of Argenteuil

Newspaper, in French

L'Outaouais, une rivière aux noms multiples
(Article du journal "La Presse", par Monsieur Normand Cazelais), au format PDF

L'église Christ Church de Saint-André-Est
(Article du journal "La Presse", par Monsieur Luc Noppen), au format PDF

Les navires à aubes sont à l'honneur au musée d'Argenteuil
(Article dujournal "Le Devoir", par Monsieur Jean Chartier), au format PDF

Un secret trop bien gardé
(Article du journal "Les Affaires", par Monsieur Yan Barcelo), au format PDF

Laurentides, par les méandres d'Argenteuil
(Article du journal "Le Devoir", avec l'aimable autorisation de son Auteur, 
Monsieur Normand Cazelais), au format PDF

A la découverte de la Seigneurie d'Argenteuil
(Article du journal "l'Argenteuil" - Editions André Paquette,
par Madame Evelyne Bergeron), au format PDF

Cette "petite noblesse" méconnue de la Nouvelle France
(Article du journal "Le Soleil de la Floride"
par Monsieur Gérard Charpentier), au format PDF

Scenery of Argenteuil (Photo courtesy of the Office of cinema and television of Argenteuil-Laurentides)

Quelques liens utiles

--> Argenteuil, a territory rich in contrasts (MRC of Argenteuil) : Click

--> The Lower Laurentian Tourist Office : Click

--> The Argenteuil Regional Museum : Click

--> The brochure of the Argenteuil Regional Museum in PDF : Click

--> The brochure of the West Laurentians Heritage Trail in PDF : Click

Today the Counties still exist but they only
serve for electoral purposes even
though the MRC were created in 1979.

Certains Counties were modified. Some became
bigger, others smaller. Some of them had their name changed.

The titles of Count still exist and some of them are still in use.

These titles are hereditary and are transmitted from one generation to the next.

The title of Count of Argenteuil, as created by the British Crown,
is still recognized by the countries of the Commonwealth
and by
other countries under the monarchal system today.

  The Count of Argenteuil today
The present heir of ancestral title of Count is
Pierre Chebroux Seignior of Argenteuil and Baron of Grenville


The continuation with numerous documents about the Seigniory : DND

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Thanks : This information is courtesy of
His Imperial Highness Prince Normand,  The Prefect of the Argenteuil MRC (Quebec),
Arnaud Bunel, Renée Gauthier, the Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec, and the Atlas of Canada.

Translated by Renée Gauthier

© Alain Chebroux, Count of Argenteuil :
© Count Alain Chebroux of Argenteuil. The Seigniory and the County :